Wednesday, 5 October 2011

My oral presentation about my last summer

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- Did you use any resources?

Yes, I made the photo collages in Picasa, and after I used the Power Point for put them on there with animation and music, but we couldn't listen the song maybe the volume was too low.

- Were the resources relevant and attractive?

Yes, I think so. Well I wanted to made a video because I love the new technologies but its very difficult for


- Did you look at your audience most of the time?

Yes, I was looking at the audience all the time.

- Did you read from your notes?

No, only I read one date on there but any way there were my holidays I know but I did and where I went. I didn't need the notes.

- Did you do any gestures/movement to hold the attention of your audience? Well I was moving my arms for explain my holidays and also I show them some pictures.


- Did you organize your ideas in order of importance?

Well, I organized them in order of the things I did in the summer first, second...

- Did you use discourse markers to to make your ideas more clear?

Yes, I used for explain a summary in the beginning of the presentation for told to the class the order of my presentation.


Did you introduce interesting NEW information to your audience?

Yes, I told them some interesting things for hold all the audience.

- Did you look up information/facts/ideas in the internet, books..?

No, because I knew all the places and where I went this summer and what I did.

was your information more superficial or more detailed, and original? LANGUAGE and PRONUNCIATION

- Did you check your grammar?(verbs, word order)

Yes, and I corrected all of them I didn't heard any error of grammar except one 'pass' I said in the end...

- Did you use rich vocabulary looking up the dictionary?

Yes, well I tried to used the new vocabulary I learned in Poole.

(synonyms, new words, expressions..)

- Did you use sentence linkers?(and, but, moreover, also, furthermore, although,however..)

Yes, I used the linkers in some sentences.

- Did you use fillers?(well, you know, for example, one second..)

Yes, I used the fillers


- Did you know how to pronounce all your words?

I know and I pronounce them correctly.

- Did you check the pronunciation with a dictionary, a classmate or the teacher?

Well all the vocabulary I used I knew the pronunciation.

- Did you change your tone of voice or use a monotone tone all the time?Did you speed in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions?
Yes I changed my tone of voice when I present my oral presentation after in the middle of the oral I started laugh... But one thing I know this was the first presentation I didn't need my notes and I wasn't nervous.

My Classmates Presentations

Júlia: She went to England, and she spent a great time there! After she stayed with Aina in Sant Antoni and after she went to Platja D'Aro with Cristina. Finally she went with her family and Carla to Marakesh but they didn't like the town so much.... She explain really good the oral presentation and she wasn't nervous I think she did it great!

Carla: She stayed in Dover in England of practise her English, after she went to Marakesh with Júlia, and for finish the summer she went to San Sebastian in there she stayed with her friend Paula.

Gemma : She went to England for fist time with her English teacher Stuart. After this she went to St. Antoni, and she invited Claudia to spent some days with her. She returned to Banyoles and she stayed with her best friends. She did really good, all was organized, she had got a little problem but she continue talking.

Arnau: Arnau went to lanzarote with his family, then to Lloret de mar and Platja d'Aro, but he and his brother spent so much time playing tennis with his father.

Albert Q: Albert spend part of his summer playing Basketball he went to two diferents campus Jordi Trias and Benny Alvarez. Then he went to St. Antoni and had a gread time. Then returned to Banyoles and then finished the summer. He did excellent.

Ferran V: Ferran went to Tenerife with his family and then returned to Banyoles and had a great time with his friends. I think that wasn't very good because he read the text a lot.

Adam P: Adam did a lot of things this last summer. He went Football Campus in Mieres, then he spent all day with his friends in Gamelab. At finally he went to Andorra with his parents. He did Good.

Clara : Whe went to Llençà and english camp in l'Escala. Then she went to Cap Norfeu and Port de la Selva with all her family. She did normal.

Cristina R: She did a lot of homework until the 12th of July when her brother born. Then she went to St Antoni, Llençà and at finally she celebrated her sister birthday. She did good. the oral was short.

Albert R: He went to Britain with Pau and some friends, then he did a trip to Kenya and Zanzibar with his parents as me. He visited a lots of parks. He was really fast.

Pau S : He went to Bourmooth with Roca, the he went to Port Aventura with his friends they spent one day there. At finally he went to Platja d'Aro with Pau Guilana. he did good.

Ferran I: He went to Lanzarote, Platja d'Aro and Lloret Mar, but he spent a lot of time playing tennis. He did good.

Jordi : He stayed in Bnyoles, he spent all day in Gamelab with friends, Banyoles, Aiguafreda, and Mallorca with his family.

Francesc R : Gamelab with Marias. Then he travelled with his family to Denmark and he went to Legoland. He did great.

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